
This section is for a collection of random topics I feel like writing about.


STM32 CMake baremetal project setup (using STM32CubeIDE) (2/18/2024)This is a quick and easy setup to work on STM32 projects with baremetal code (not using HAL/CubeMX library)
nRF24 with STM32 (8/13/2023)A little project to connect nRF24 2.4GHz wireless module with STM32F411 controller
How to Write to Flash Memory (STM32 Microcontroller) (6/20/2023)A post on how to write to the flash memory of a STM32F411 microcontroller

How to Read Flash Memory (STM32 Microcontroller) (6/16/2023)
A post on how to read from the flash memory of a STM32F411 microcontroller
Migration (2/28/2018)Changes to this site hosting just an update.

HackerX: My experience. Is it worth it? (8/15/2018)

HackerX is an invite only job fair in a speed dating setting. Was quite an experience which you can read about it here.

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